Every Jammer needs a complete list of codes! Here is my complete collection to help you all! Remember, there are no glove, membership, or lion codes, these are the only ones. Some may have expired, and others aren't even activated yet, but keep trying them out! Currently working codes are in the top list. The older ones that have expired are in the list below. Look at the bottom of the page for instructions on how to use codes.
Explorer-100 GEMS
Discovery-1000 GEMS
BirthdayBash-#2 Birthday Cake
Bemybuddy-500 GEMS
AJHQ3000-500 GEMS
10MILLION- 10 Million Banner
To use any code all you have to do is enter it when u log into AJ. Note that codes are not case sensitive. Some codes give you 1000 gems, while some give only 500 or 100. Others give you promo gifts, and some are only for a limited time.

If the code has expired, not been activated, or you've used it already a message will pop up, looking something like this.

Have fun shopping for new stuff around Jamaa!
Uhh 10MILLION gave me a diamond. NOT COMPLAINING.